
What is the Consumer Energy Program?

Created in January 2009, the Consumer Energy Program (CEP) is a passionate advocate on behalf of Georgia’s residential and small business customers in energy-related matters at the Public Service Commission (PSC) and the Capitol.

We stand up for lower utility rates and cleaner, more efficient energy solutions.

Over the last two years, the Consumer Energy Program has:

  • Pushed for $7 million of aid to assist Georgians with winter heating bills
  • Opposed Georgia Power’s massive $2.1 billion rate increase in 2010 on behalf of its 2.4 million customer
  • Challenged Atlanta Gas Light’s $54 million rate request in 2010 on behalf of its 1.5 million customers
  • Built a broad coalition of business groups and advocacy organizations across the state to oppose utility rate increases in 2010
  • Sponsored expert witness testimony and formally intervened in PSC proceedings to represent ratepayer interests
  • Advocated for greater transparency and accountability at electric membership corporations on behalf of the state’s 4.5 million EMC customers
  • Fought against legislation to require ratepayers to pre-pay at least $1.6 billion of financing charges and taxes for nuclear plant construction by Georgia Power, resulting in $1 billion of early profits for the company
For decades, the Consumers’ Utility Counsel (CUC), a division of the Governor’s Office of Consumer Affairs, represented Georgians in cases before the PSC. However, that voice for residential and small business owners was silenced when the CUC was defunded in 2008. As a result, Georgians were left without representation in PSC matters.With skyrocketing energy bills and the interests of utilities as firmly entrenched across the state as ever, the Consumer Energy Program serves a vital role in protecting ratepayers in important cases at the PSC.

The Consumer Energy Program will continue to advocate for lower utility bills and a more diversified state energy portfolio to mitigate future rate increases.