
Equity and Inclusion

Instilling diversity, equity, and inclusion helps build stronger communities, fuels economic growth, and helps individuals develop more meaningful community connections. Use the fact sheets, action guides, data, and tools to help inform your advocacy and program efforts to build gender and sexually diverse communities, combat racism, improve outcomes for people of color and of low incomes, and advance efforts in social justice.

Are you in need of Equity and Inclusion Resources?

Legislative Committees

House Committee on Judiciary

This committee considers a wide variety of measures relating to law, courts and judges, and constitutional amendments. Any legislation that carries a possibility
for civil penalties can be referred to this committee.

Senate Committee on Judiciary

This committee has general jurisdiction over legislation affecting judicial proceedings dealing with civil practice and procedure. Its jurisdiction also
includes civil liberties, as well as
governmental information and frequently will consider constitutional issues.

View Equity and Inclusion Organizations:

View Organizations by region:



Anti-Defamation League
Fights antisemitism, extremism, hate, and discrimination through education, research, and policy.



American Civil Liberties Union
Works to ensure that everyone can live openly and authentically without discrimination, harassment, or violence.

American Trans Resource Hub
Provides transgender individuals the comfort and stability they seek during their social, medical and/or legal transition by providing helpful resources and by offering direct assistance with other issues (housing instability, loss of employment, and lack of health insurance) that may arise.

Annie E. Casey Foundation
Based in Baltimore, this national organization seeks to develop a brighter future for children and young people through educational, economic, social and health outcomes by advancing research and solutions to overcome barriers to success, helping communities and influencing decision makers.

Equality Federation
Advocacy accelerator rooted in social justice and building power; works for LGBTQ+ rights.

Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
Shapes the narrative for LGBTQ acceptance.

Human Rights Campaign
Mobilizes those who envision a world strengthened by diversity, where laws and society treat all people equally. Also campaigns for elected officials.

Lambda Legal
Works to achieve full recognition of the civil rights of lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender people, and everyone living with HIV through impact litigation, education, and public policy work.

National Center for Civil and Human Rights
Museum in Atlanta with exhibits and a website to promote equality for all. It also provides an education program for students and teachers, human rights training for law enforcement officials and diversity, equity, and inclusion experiences for workplaces.

National Center for Transgender Equality
Advocates and educates to increase understanding and acceptance of transgender people, and to replace disrespect, discrimination and violence with empathy, opportunity, and justice.

Racial Equity Tools
Supports individuals and groups working to achieve racial equality by offering research, tips, and curricula.

The Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network
Works to ensure safe schools through research, resources for educators, policy advocacy and programs.

Transgender Law Center
Advocates for law, policy, and attitude changes so people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression.

TransYouth Family Allies
Empowers children and families by partnering with educators, service providers and communities to develop supportive environments in which gender may be expressed and respected.

Urban Institute
Provides data to help advance towards upward mobility and equity; it does not take institutional positions on issues, though staff members are welcome to share their own views and policy recommendations.



Grassroots, peer-led, nonmedical organization advocating for equal human rights and the dignity and inclusion of all individuals, including self-determination. Provides Social Security disability beneficiaries who want to work access to free employment support services.

First City Network
Works to enhance and sustain the well-being of LGBT individuals and their allies by providing educational, social and health related activities, programs, and services.

Georgia Diversity Council
Partners with businesses and organizations to promote environments in which diversity is effectively fostered and leveraged to drive innovation and success.

Georgia Equality
Advances fairness, safety, and opportunity for LGBTQ Georgians.

Georgia Legal Services Program
Offers free legal services to low-income Georgians residing outside Metro Atlanta on issues including family law, housing, access to public benefits, eviction prevention, farmworker rights, and access to education.

OUT Georgia Business Alliance
Advocates for inclusive and equitable business environment, provides supports and resources to fuel economic growth, and drives meaningful community connections and impact.

Parent to Parent of Georgia
Services Georgia families impacted by disabilities or special healthcare needs by offering support, information, education, and leadership development.

Stonewall Bar Association of Georgia
A network of legal professionals dedicated to promoting the interests of the LBGTQ+ community and their allies.

The Arc of Georgia
Works alongside people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to promote and protect human rights for all and to actively support full inclusion and participation in the community.

Georgia Safe Schools Coalition

Works to eliminate oppression in Georgia schools by educating and advocating on issues affecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning students and families.


Metro Atlanta

Atlanta Pride Committee
Advocates for and provides resources to gender and sexually diverse communities.

Atlanta Dinners: Racial Healing with Community
One Small Change and Out of Hand Theater will provide dinners for 8-10 people with a facilitated conversation on race and equity. Each dinner begins with a short original play about racism.

Atlanta Legal Aid Society
Helps low-income and vulnerable people with legal issues; focuses on housing codes, landlord-tenant law, food insecurity, unsafe living conditions, and family issues.

Cobb Collaborative
Bringing Cobb County together to improve outcomes for children and families through initiatives including mental health, early learning and literacy, and civic engagement.

In the Life Atlanta
Official organizer of Atlanta Black Gay Pride, working to promote unity, pride, self-empowerment, and positivity.

Perfect Love Foundation
Partners with businesses and assists with Communal Needs, Disaster Relief, Medical Programs, and International Relief. The agency promotes education and empowerment and works to alleviate local hardships and discriminatory practices that stand in opposition to love.


Equity and Inclusion Resources

American Trans Resource Hub
Gender Affirming Products

Gender-Affirming Provider Map

Annie E. Casey Foundation
Adapting to Connect Young People to Opportunity

Equity vs. Equality and Other Racial Justice Definitions

Keeping Children Out of Group Placements: Strategies and Alternatives leading with Race to Reimagine Youth Justice

Equity-Centered Capacity Building
The Complexities of Inclusive Education: How Cultural Histories Shape the Ways Teachers Respond to Multiple Forms of Diversity

Family Equality, Movement Advancement Project
Equality Map: Family Leave Laws

Equality Map: Foster and Adoption Laws

Equality Map: State Non-Discrimination Laws

Georgia State University
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Quick Resource Guide

Georgia Watch
Know Your Rights! Mandatory Arbitration

Mandatory Arbitration by the Numbers

Taking a Closer Look at the Equity Impacts of Legislation Pending in Georgia

Georgians for a Healthy Future
Health Beyond Health Care: Opportunities to Improve Health by Addressing Social Determinants

Health Insurance Options for Georgia’s LGBT Community

Transgender Health Care

Government Alliance on Race and Equity
Communications Guide

Harvard Business Review
Jopwell Devon Lee: Answering “Uncomfortable” Questions About Race at Work

Moving Beyond Diversity Toward Racial Equity

Transgender Pregnancy: Moving Past Misconceptions

Living Cities
Operationalizing Racial Equity & Inclusion at Living Cities: Tools for Getting Started and Keeping At It

Local and Regional Government Alliance on Race & Equity
Racial Equity Action PLans: A How-to Manual

Measure Disparities in Your Data
Spatial Equity Data Tool

Megan McGlinchey & Alyssa Smaldino
500 Years of the Racial Wealth Gap

National Center for Civil and Human Rights
Education for Educators

Education for Groups and Families

Education for Students

Racial Equity Tools
Change Management Resources

Demographics and Population Data


History of Racism and Movements

Southern Poverty Law Center
Hate Map: Georgia

Urban Institute
Inclusive Recovery in US Cities