Environmental Pollution

Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution occurs due to air, water, land, and waste degradation, and toxic chemical and pesticide contamination. Advocates for environmental issues will find these organizations and resources useful for advocacy work and partnerships to support communities affected both in the short and long-term by environmental pollution, promote research and education, and advocate for conservation, more vigilant and responsible use of natural resources, and community-based programs.

Are you in need of Environmental Pollution Resources?

Legislative Committees

House Committee on Natural Resources and Environment

This committee is assigned legislation pertaining to
management, quality, and usage of Georgia’s natural resources. Within the full committee, there are two standing subcommittees:
Environmental Quality and Resource Management. Legislation is assigned to these subcommittees based on the subject matter of
each individual bill or resolution.

House Committee on Game, Fish and Parks

This committee hears legislation that impacts Georgia’s wildlife, state parks, and its other natural resources.

Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Environment

This committee has general jurisdiction over issues that relate to the development, regulation, and conservation of the state’s public lands and its natural resources
including water, energy (such as surface mining and oil and gas production), and wildlife (including hunting and fishing).

View Environmental Pollution Organizations:

View Organizations by region:



The Orianne Society
Nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of reptiles, amphibians, and the ecosystems they inhabit. Also provides education and grants.



American Council for Energy Efficient Economy
Through research, education, and advocacy, ACEEE advances the efficient use of energy to spur economic well-being and combat climate change rapidly and equitably.

Captain Planet Foundation
Runs programs (some of which interact with schools) to teach and empower young people conservation.



Chattahoochee Riverkeeper
Ensures clean water in the Chattahoochee River through education, research, and advocacy; programs include the Floating Classroom, water planning and conservation, water quality monitoring, enforcement, harmful algal blooms, legislative work, and in-stream trash removal.

EarthShare of Georgia
Network of over 500 environmental groups working locally, nationally, and internationally to organize workplace-giving campaigns.

Environmental Education Alliance of Georgia
Serves environmental educators throughout Georgia.

Friends of Georgia State Parks & Historic Sites
Partners with, promotes and preserves Georgia State Parks and historic sites through volunteering, raising funds, and encouraging visitation.

Georgia Audubon Society
Member-supported, nonprofit organization dedicated to building places where birds and people thrive. It accomplishes this through conservation, education, and community engagement.

Georgia Conservancy
Member-supported conservation organization.

Georgia ForestWatch
Protects the health of Georgia’s National Forests by protecting the forests and streams, advocating for natural processes, and identifying opportunities to improve Forest management.

Georgia Organics
Provides direct support to small and organic farmers; has a newsletter called “The Dirt”; programs include farmer services, family farm share, farm to school, farm to restaurant and farmer champion, a conference, and Georgia Organic Peanuts.

Georgia Ornithological Society
Encourages the scientific study of birds by gathering/spreading information on Georgia bird life and providing scholarships and fellowship; encourages bird conservation through habitat preservation.

Georgia Recycling Coalition
Promoting and enhancing waste reduction and recycling in Georgia.

Georgia River Network
Empowers people to enjoy and advocate for economically viable and clean-flowing rivers.

Georgia Wildlife Federation
Serves as a watchdog at the Capital for Georgia’s conservation and alerts the public through the Camo Coalition when legislation could affect the state’s natural resources; encourages families to get outdoors; facilitates ways for hunters to share their bounty with those in need; and try to reestablish pine communities.

Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation
Promotes conservation and pollution-control to promote people and wildlife; supports over 70 local affiliates across Georgia in ending litter, reducing waste, promoting recycling and beautifying communities.

Sierra Club – Georgia Chapter
The largest grassroots environmental organization in the state of Georgia.

Southern Environmental Law Center
Nonprofit, nonpartisan environmental advocacy organization.

Southern Conservation Trust
Works to protect farms, forests, scenic and historic landscapes, rivers, wildlife habitats and others through conservation easements.

The Nature Conservancy in Georgia
Fights accelerated climate change and biodiversity loss through scientific research, policy work, sustainable financing, and collaborative partnerships (including with companies, indigenous peoples and local communities).

Affordable housing developer that addresses schools with high transiency, recognizing that providing stable housing near public schools with high transiency rate improves school and student performance (works with school system; acquires old homes; does deep renovations and usually a community garden with the local school).


Metro Atlanta

Atlanta Bicycle Coalition
Engages in advocacy, education, and programs to make Atlanta bike friendly and popularize biking for transportation.

Chattahoochee Nature Center
Runs and maintains a nature center in metro-Atlanta with trails, exhibits programs and events

Lifecycle Building Center of Greater Atlanta
Captures building materials from the waste stream and directs them back into the community through reuse.

Park Pride
Helps communities enhance parks and greenspace through advocacy, volunteerism, and capital improvements.

Reynolds Nature Preserve
Maintains and promotes the Nature Preserve.

Southface Energy Institute
Researches, designs, and implements a regenerative economy, partnering with nonprofits, businesses, government agencies, universities, and experts.

State Botanical Garden of Georgia
Supports the Botanical Gardens and connects members to the people making the gardens grow; provides discounts on most events and programs offered at the Gardens plus invitations to advance plant sales, horticultural talks, and trips to other regional attractions.

Trees Atlanta
Dedicated to protecting Atlanta’s urban forest. Improves Atlanta’s urban
forest through planting, conservation, and education.


Coastal Georgia

Center for a Sustainable Coast
Advocating responsible decisions to sustain Coastal Georgia’s quality of life.

Savannah Riverkeeper
Nonprofit organization that protects and seeks to improve the river basin through education, advocacy, and action.


Georgia Mountains

Elachee Nature Science Center
Forest haven, outdoor classroom, and exhibit center designed to involve and engage people (especially children) in enjoying and conserving the environment.



Athens Land Trust
Land preservation, affordable, energy efficient housing, and neighborhood revitalization.


River Valley

Oxbow Meadows Environmental Learning Center
Provides access to samples of plants/animals, nature trails, and programs on the ecology and natural history of the region.



Flint Riverkeeper
Works to restore and protect the river through advocacy, outreach, and education, and ensuring enforcement with all clean water laws.


Environmental Pollution Resources

Captain Planet Foundation
CPF Teaching Approaches

Garden Basics: Compost 101

Garden Basics: Planning a Workday

Phenomenon, Problem, Project-Based Learning

Research & Rationale

Chattahoochee Nature Center
Online Learning Resources

Chattahoochee Riverkeeper
Angler’s Pocket Guide to Erosion & Sediment Control

Case Studies

Filling the Water Gap: Conservation Successes and Opportunities for Communities that Depend on the
Chattahoochee River

Green Infrastructure in Practice

Neighborhood Water Watch: A Guide for Developing a Volunteer Bacteria Monitoring Program

No Time to Waste

Pervious Pavement: Solutions for Sustainable Development

Tapped Out: The Drying Up of Atlanta

The “Water Wars” and Opportunities for Change

Georgia River Network
Georgia River Guide App


River Groups & Resources

Georgia’s Dirty Dozen

Georgia Water Coalition
Watering Georgia: The State of Water and Agriculture in Georgia

Trees Atlanta
Benefits of Trees

How to Advocate for Trees

How to Care for Your Trees

How to Plant a Tree

How to Remove Our Top 10 Invasive Plants

How to Save a Tree

How to Select an Arborist

Neighborhood Arboreta

Right Tree, Right Place

Top 10 Invasive Plants That Harm Our Urban Forest

Tree Inventory

Urban Tree Canopy Study