Financial Resources for Advocacy

Financial Resources for Advocacy

Advocacy efforts require a lot of work. It “takes a village” to push for change, and that often means the time, effort, people involved, and ability to carry out an advocacy plan requires financial support. Listed in this guide are foundations and other organizations offering financial resources by way of grants, seed funding, and other investment tools to support advocacy groups and organizations.

View Financial Resources for Advocacy Organizations:

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Bloomberg Philanthropies
Funds arts, education, environment, government innovation, public health, and founder’s projects.

Ford Foundation
Supports organizations that address the underlying drivers of inequality and sign with programmatic work throughout the world; awards about 1,500 grants per year to organizations (and occasionally individuals). Most grantees are identified by the foundation in advance. It does not accept unsolicited grant proposals, but organizations may apply under ongoing initiatives/projects.

Proteus Fund
Grants money to support transparency, accountability, and participation among the governments of United Nations member states, initiatives advancing public education around reform of electoral systems and voter access, and research consulting projects on the fragility of and ways to strengthen democracy.



Annie E. Casey Foundation
Works to build a brighter future for children facing significant obstacles by investing in the parents who raise them and the neighborhoods where they live. It funds community and resident engagement, data collection and analysis, demonstration projects, programs, policy advocacy and analysis, research, technical assistance, and youth engagement.

Ian’s Friends Foundation
Grants money to research for treating pediatric brain tumors.

Kaiser Permanente
Grants money to organizations that promote prevention strategies for good health and provide treatment for common chronic conditions.

Nathan Cummings Foundation
This foundation, rooted in the Jewish tradition of social justice, works to create a more just society through grantmaking in the United States and Israel; not currently accepting unsolicited letters of inquiry.

Surdna Foundation
Grants money to nonprofits in Inclusive Economies, Sustainable Environments, and Thriving Cultures to work toward racial justice in the United States.

Team Maggie for a Cure, Inc.
Grants money to individual US citizens aged 15-37 denied coverage by insurance to receive fertility assistance during cancer treatment.

The Coca-Cola Foundation
Grants money to organizations seeking community support. It is providing additional funding and grants to communities and organizations in response to COVID-19.

W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Wants to create lasting change for children through thriving children, working families, and equitable communities; Accepts applications at any time (there are no deadlines/specific grantmaking cycles).



Alvah H. and Wyline P. Chapman Foundation
Grants money to local nonprofits in spiritual, scientific, historical, environmental, literary, educational, and community initiatives.

Georgia Center for Oncology Research & Education
Grants money to organizations for breast cancer education, screening, and treatment for underserved Georgians.

Georgia Health Foundation
Grants money to nonprofit organizations for health-related charitable, scientific, or educational purposes.

Georgia Healthy Family Alliance
Grants money to organizations for healthcare projects. To be eligible the applicant must be a current medical student, resident, or active/life member of the Georgia Academy of Family Physicians. Grants will not be made to individuals, endowment funds, or to support political campaigns or for lobbying any public official about specific legislation.

Georgia Power Charitable Giving
Grants money to nonprofit organizations and programs “that seek to improve the quality of life for the state’s residents.”

Healthcare Georgia Direct Services Grant Program
In alignment with the strategic plan, the Direct Services Grant Program will focus on preventing and managing chronic diseases.

Healthcare Georgia Foundation
Grants money to health nonprofit organizations promoting programs and policies that improve health and connect people, programs, and resources to improve health and healthcare for all Georgians. Program impact areas include addressing health disparities, expanding access to quality, affordable health services, promoting health and preventing disease, and strengthening health nonprofits, programs, and workforce.

Katz Foundation
Grants money to organizations for medical research, life enhancement for those afflicted with illness or other challenges, and music.

Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation
Grants money for education and care of elderly women; for the latter, grants money to senior care facilities.

North Georgia Community Foundation
Grants money to Georgia nonprofits for programs or operations.

R. Howard Dobbs, Jr. Foundation
Grants money to public nonprofits for education, environment, and health.

William I.H. and Lula E. Pitts Foundation
Grants money to charities affiliated with the Methodist Church for education, children’s homes, charitable hospitals, and care of the elderly.


Metro Atlanta

Atlanta Women’s Foundation
Provides services to females such as housing, healthcare, mental health services, job training and business development. Grants money, resources, and evaluation assistance to nonprofit organizations.

Club of Hearts – Georgia Power
Grants money to local nonprofit organizations and retired Georgia Power employees.

Cobb Community Foundation
Focus areas for grants include the arts, community development, education, environment, health, and human services.

Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta
Grants money to equity; historically has also granted to education, health, youth, and community and economic development.

Frances Hollis Brain Foundation
Supports nonprofits that give food, shelter, clothing, and healthcare to vulnerable and underserved communities. Grants money, consulting, and management support to local nonprofits for arts, community
development, education, and well-being.

Francis L. Abreu Charitable Trust
Supports organizations for animal welfare, children’s and senior services, and the health or socially vulnerable in an invitation-only process.

Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation
Grants money to nonprofit organizations for education, human services, and health.

Robert W. Woodruff Foundation
Grants money to nonprofit organizations for health, education, environment, human services, arts and culture, and community development.

Truist Trusteed Foundation
Provides trust services to private and family foundations.

Tull Charitable Foundation
Grants money to nonprofit organizations for art and culture, education and schools, health and human services, youth development, and civic improvement; prioritizes organizational capacity building, serving vulnerable populations and vibrant community assets.

Marietta Community Foundation
Grants money to organizations and projects for the community. Has provided grants for healthy lifestyle choices, peer support, hot meals to seniors, tuition aid, free breakfast meal at Church, Habitat for Humanity, local artists, garden/food, fire department, historical society, and homelessness.


Coastal Georgia

Community Foundation of Central Georgia
Through its Responsive Grant Program, CHCG will consider applications for projects designed to improve the quality of life in Central Georgia.

Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation
Grants money to local nonprofits seeking to build capacity and for education.

Sapelo Foundation
Grants money for organizations dedicated to environmental justice and protection and social justice.



Community Foundation for Northeast Georgia
Grants money to local nonprofits in human services, healthcare, education, community, and arts.

Walton County Healthcare Foundation
Grants money to promote healthcare and delivery of healthcare.

Walton Trust – Operation Round Up
Grants money to nonprofit organizations and local individuals.



Community Foundation of Northwest Georgia
Grants money to individuals or organizations for arts and culture, civics, education, social services, historic preservation, environmentalism, food and housing insecurity, and nonprofits who provide low or no-cost medical (physical and mental) treatment for low income, un- or underinsured individuals.


River Valley

Birds Eye Foods Foundation
Grants money to local nonprofit organizations for health, community services, education, youth, and cultural programs.

Community Foundation of the Chattahoochee Valley
Grants money to local nonprofit organizations for health, community services, education, youth, and cultural programs.


Three Rivers

Community Foundation of West Georgia
Grants money and money-managing strategies to nonprofits for environmentalism, mental health, women’s and children’s initiatives, and housing insecurity.


Central Savannah River Area

Community Foundation for the Central Savannah River Area
Grants money to nonprofits for education/youth empowerment, health/environment, people in need, arts/culture/history and literacy, and partners with local nonprofits to help them manage their endowment assets


Middle Georgia

Peyton Anderson Foundation
Grants money to public nonprofits for community development, education, health, arts and culture, and human services.