Georgia Watch filed amicus briefs on May 9 in support of neither party in Sons of Confederate Veterans v. Newton County Board of Commissioners and Sons of Confederate Veterans v. Henry County Board of Commissioners, cases pending before the Georgia Supreme Court. At issue is statutory standing and Georgia consumers’ right to seek redress for invasions of their private statutory rights. This case brings into question whether the Georgia Constitution requires plaintiffs to show individualized injury, either mental or physical, to have standing to sue. Georgia Watch was represented in this matter by pro bono counsel, Justin Holcombe of Skaar & Feagle, LLP.
Georgia consumers should feel empowered to go to court when their personal, private rights have been violated. While Georgia Watch takes no position on whether the petitioners have standing in this case, we request the court preserve our common law tradition of allowing access to the courts to vindicate private statutory rights. Read the full amicus briefs here: Newton County and Henry County.