During winter, families in Georgia often face the prospect of high energy bills to warm their homes. Some families, particularly low-income families living in energy inefficient homes, may find themselves forced to choose between paying for adequate heating or cooling and buying groceries. These high energy bills increase financial instability for low-income families, who sometimes turn to high risk loans to pay their energy bills, while others may put their own health at risk by cutting back on necessary heating.
Georgia Watch offers free educational resources and workshops to help struggling families take better control over their energy bills. Our resources and workshops offer tips about how to save money on energy bills. During our “How to Save Money on Your Utility Bills” workshops, for example, participants learn about practical energy efficiency measures they can take to reduce their energy bills: weatherizing windows, insulating pipes, upgrading light bulbs, caulking up cracks, etc. Additionally, participants also learn about current programs available to help them reduce and better manage their energy use to lower their bills.
If your organization is interested in hosting a workshop for your community, please reach out to Trey Cason (tcason@georgiawatch.org) to set up a workshop.